If you require care outside the normal opening hours, please telephone the surgery to be advised of care available.
Home visits will need to be arranged in consultation with the treating doctor.
New patients are welcome and will be billed as per our Practice Billing Policy.
If you would like to book an appoint you can do this online. Click here.
You can book online, click here.
Alternatively you can call the practice directly on 07 4580 0804.
Please let the receptionist or online system know when booking if you require a standard consultation or a specific appointment.
Emergencies will always be given priority and the reception staff will attempt to notify you of any unforeseen delays to your treatment.
Long consultations are available upon request.
2 hours notice is required for cancelling an appointment. Missed appointments incur a $70 fee and a larger sum for longer consultations. This fee will need to be paid prior to another appointment being given
The practice is committed to providing you with the best preventative care possible. Your permission is required to be included on the reminder system and may issue you with a reminder notice on occasion. If you do not wish to be a part of this system, please let your doctor or reception know.
Your personal health information is collected and used directly in association with your health care. It is a confidential document and it is the policy of this practice to maintain the security of medical records at all times. The practice will ensure that your information is only available to authorised professionals or seek your permission before disclosing it to any third party.
If you have any concerns about your health information privacy, please let your doctor or reception know.
It is the commitment of the practice to provide the best preventative care. To ensure that your care is tailored to your needs, the practice encourage patients to identify their cultural background and/or ethnicity on their medical record.
If you identify with a particular medical background, please let your doctor or reception know.
Positive or negative feedback is encouraged to improve our service where necessary.
Please feel free to discuss any problems you may have with your Doctor or the Practice Manager. Alternatively, you may want to write to Eastside Health.
All complaints are taken seriously and you can remain anonymous if you wish.
Complaints can also be made to the:
Health Ombundsman, PO Box 13281, George Street, Brisbane, QLD, 4350
Phone: 133 646
Email: complaints@oho.qld.gov.au
Eastside Health on Mary. Website Design by dms CREATiVE